Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Work Location Resynchronize

In general, most design modifications are done using the Design Assistant and the GIS application in conjunction. In some cases it may be required to directly modify the design data from within the GIS application. In these cases the designer will need to update the Design Assistant with these types of changes in order to create a more accurate design estimate.

The Work Location Resynchronize function was created to update the Design Assistant with changes made in the GIS without the design assistant's knowledge of the changes. It is intended to look for changes that were applied to features that where already associated with work location(s) in the design. In some cases this may include new features if they can be associated with the design.

This resynchronization can be done at the Design (all work locations), Work Location(s) or Feature(s) level and will look for the following items at existing work locations:
  • Attribute changes for both parent and child features.
  • Geometry changes for both point and span features.
  • Deleted Features
  • Added Features

Work Location Resynchronize at the Design level

To perform a resynchronize at the design level, simply select the Resynchronize function from the Action pull down menu of the Design Assistant. This will check for changes pertaining to all work locations within the design.

Work Location Resynchronize at the Work Location(s) level

To perform a resynchronize at the work location level, simply select one or more work locations and then select the Resynchronize function from the right-click menu while atop one of the work locations. This will check for changes pertaining to the selected work location(s) within the design.
Note: For multiple selections, use the CTRL or Shift keys.

Work Location Resynchronize at the Feature(s) level

To perform a resynchronize at the feature level, simply select one or more features and then select the Resynchronize function from the right-click menu while atop one of the features. This will check for changes pertaining to the selected feature(s) within the design.
Note: For multiple selections, use the CTRL or Shift keys.